Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome. Subscribe. Exchange Info

New, from the Glam Junkie, aka "greenfreak".

First up, subscribe, so you just get the recipes, info and reviews delivered by email or feed.

Now, why this blog ?
  • Because it's not rocket science
  • It's not expensive (and I'm going to point out why... a LOT)
  • The benefits are HUGE
  • It's nothing short of shockin' when you "get it" on the upsides and how much was bad for you before.
  • You owe it to your kids, family and self
  • Best of all, the taste ROCKS !
So, other than food, you'll get my opinionated views, tips, reviews suggestions and warnings about lots of lifestyle things, as well as recipes, photo's, etc.

Why ?
Because I'm passionate about it and how it could help people, because it's helped me.... AND because I didn't always know all this stuff, I learned and there wasn't a resource like blogs and internet so readily available in any organized way to get that knowledge, so I'll be linking a lot to good information too.
I'm still learning, still discovering and more passionate every day.

More about me later, but I'll start with the below all time great salad appetizer and next time, a super simple wicked tasty recipe next post, called ..... "I get the Popeye thing"

  • For now, you can't go wrong with a Caprese salad.
  • Fresh organic, in season, vine ripe (juicy ripe) heirloom tomatoes
  • Hand crafted baby buffalo mozzarella (or go Chevre for something with more oomph), try to buy local from specialty fromage stores or charcuteries .. some places here or Wholefoods/Trader Joes works.
  • Local organic Basil from Isabelle Farm, bruise the leaves a little to release their oils and fragrance
  • and... a generous drizzle of good organic olive oil, some crushed fleur de sel & cracked pepper from, and a tiny bit of organic fresh or dried lemon zest
  • Assemble as it looks or however you like and BELLISIMO !!
  • Especially good with organic warm flat bread or fresh made baguette crostini and THE perfect (prep ahead) summer appetizer

In Health